Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Commodore? Loner?

There are some wonders that words can't express.  One of them is the way our children grow up and how their lives change over the years.  It seems just a little while ago that I was taking a little baby around on big adventures to buy groceries, always an exciting experience.  Now it looks like one of my shipmates, Lizzie, is asking for a transfer to another ship.  If I can figure out how to post it, here's a picture of Lizzie, who will be taking orders to be first mate of Cap'n Justin's ship, exploring waters in the southern part of the United States.
So does this make me the commodore of a small fleet?  Does it mean that I just need to find a new communications officer?  Whatever the outcome we'll keep up our journey in search of genuine confessional Christianity, as I trust will Lizzie and Justin.  May the Lord be with them.

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