Sunday, April 26, 2009

A House Is Like a Cooler

Is there any theological content to this?  I don't know.  But this blog isn't just about theology.  And if your life is a reflection of your theology, there's got to be some theology here somewhere.

Just a reminder as weather is moderating.  Some people don't think too well about the way their houses work.  I've found that thinking of it like a cooler is a good idea.  As you know, you can use a cooler to keep things either warm or cool.  The key is that when sealed it will tend to maintain the interior temperature.

We don't think about it much in cold winter weather.  Opening the window when it's below freezing outside is just plain bad planning.  But how about when the weather is warmer?  Maybe these tips will be useful.

1) If it's hot outside and comfortable inside, keep the windows and doors closed.  You want to keep the cool air inside.
2) If it's chilly outside and comfortable inside, keep the windows and doors closed.  You want to keep the warm air inside.
3) If you blow a fan in a window, it will move air into one room.
4)  If you blow a fan outof a window, it will move air into all the other windows which can feed air to that outgoing breeze.
5) Closing drapes or blinds on a sunny window will keep some of the warmth out.
6)  Heat radiates off of porch roofs that have had the sun shining on them.  It may be much hotter outside a south facing window than outside a north facing window, even if the sun is not currently shining on the window.
7) If you can feel a breeze that you didn't plan you have a leak somewhere.  You might not want to trace it and try to repair it during the winter when it is really expensive, but warm weather is a good time for that.
8) A tube of caulk costs a whole lot less than the energy to heat or cool your house by a degree.

The earth is the Lord's.  So is our home.  If He has given us something to take care of our care for it is part of his plan for our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the well-reasoned advice. My family will be able to put this to good use when we move, an event which approaches "magis magisque".

And it is true that Christians now seem not to care for their material wealth as they ought. We of all people should have the proper view of the world and our possessions in it, but we all too often neglect the proper care of these things in the hustle and bustle of so-called "higher things". God created man to rule the world, and he still does, albeit imperfectly. Only Christians can truly care for the world as they ought, in Christ's power. "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required."