Thursday, September 8, 2011

Psalm 71:12-16, 2 Kings 5:9-27, Philippians 1:1-20 - Lectionary for 9/8/11

Today's readings are Psalm 71:12-16, 2 Kings 5:9-27, and Philippians 1:1-20.

We often want to do noble, magnificent works to bring glory and praise to God. Maybe we'd like to be sent on a mission to an exotic place. Maybe we'd like to raise a tremendous amount of money to support our favorite ministry. Maybe we'd like to proclaim the Gospel freely and boldly with the acceptance of all our civil authorities. Yet in our readings today we see the opposite circumstances. Naaman the Syrian is not healed without washing in a river he considers worthless. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, becomes leprous when he seeks financial gain for his master. Paul is imprisoned for his faith and finds that the Gospel spreads.

Our God is truly the God of wonders. He takes low circumstances and works his mighty miracles through them. This should bring great hope to us. Most of us are people of moderate abilities and means. Yet our Lord can and does work in and through simple people like us. He uses plain elements, like the spoken word, water, bread and wine to accomplish the truly sublime. May we ever trust him with all things, knowing he is able to bring about the outcome he desires.

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