Saturday, October 29, 2011

Psalm 56, Deuteronomy 31:1-29, Matthew 19:16-30 - Lectionary for 10/29/11

Today's readings are Psalm 56, Deuteronomy 31:1-29, and Matthew 19:16-30.

Our Psalm today sums up the main theme of the Old Testament and Gospel readings. When we see our lives as ineffective and our tasks as impossible then our Lord shows himself to be the God who accomplishes all things according to his perfect will. See how the Lord brings his rebellious people into the promised land and will still be their God despite their idolatry. See how Jesus promises to be the great reward of those who give up everything for his sake.

What does this say to us? As Moses laid down his very life, trusting in God's mercy, leaving his people to the grace of God, we also can trust that our Lord Jesus will keep his promises, bringing us forgiveness and life.

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