Saturday, January 22, 2011

Psalm 69.19-23, 32-33, Joel 2.1-17, Romans 11.1-24 - Lectionary for 1/22/11

Today's readings all paint one big picture. God has adopted his people, all who believe on him. All salvation is by adoption, there is nobody of privileged status. If it were not our Lord's will, we would not be his people. He has not left us without help, either. Even when we feel afraid, heavily burdened, overwhelmed, our Lord promises that he will take care of our every need. Let his enemies beware! God's final judgment is so powerful that none can endure it. He will protect his people and will reject those who do not come to him in faith.

These are strong words. They aren't the words most of our society likes to hear. But they are the words our God has given us. In the view we see in the Bible, it is in fact a matter of life and death. We are called to believe on the Lord. His offer is extended to all who hear. And he has described the consequences of unbelief in detail. Let us look to our Lord in faith, calling on his name, rejoicing in the adoption he has promised to all who believe.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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