Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bible Reading Challenge Week 18 Day 3

Our reading challenge for the day is 2 Samuel 1-5. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant? 2 Samuel 1 - David receives a story of Saul’s death which is different from the report at the close of 1 Samuel. However it happened, Saul is dead. David mourns the passing of God’s anointed, even though Saul had sought to kill him. 2 Samuel 2 - David established his kingdom in Hebron. Abner, one of Saul’s commanders elevated Saul’s son to the throne, resulting in ongoing war between David’s followers - Judah in the south and Ish-bosheth’s - Israel - in the north. 2 Samuel 3-4 - People playing politics are dangerous. How do we act when we desire our own way and pursue influence? 2 Samuel 5 - David becomes king over all Israel and Judah. Saul’s heirs are out of the picture. The kingdom takes on the trappings of central regal authority. It looks more and more like the kingdom Samuel warned of, but at least David is inquiring of the Lord.

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