Saturday, October 24, 2009

Seminary Thoughts

As I look at long-term goals, it seems best at present to pursue any seminary training I'll ever get before pushing toward a more agrarian lifestyle which depends on the cash economy less.  Seminaries have a way of eating up a lot of your time and making you move to do little things like vicarage assignments.

I've been thinking more seriously about Concordia in St. Louis as opposed to Concordia in Fort Wayne.  St. Louis has an on-campus housing option for married students.  That may be the way to go.  Then again, maybe not.  Prayers are welcome, as always.

Either seminary will expect me to have a knowledge base in Old Testament, New Testament, basic theology, Greek, and Hebrew before they would admit me as a full seminarian.  I can deal with all but Hebrew.  Time to get cracking, I guess.

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