Our reading challenge for the day is Matthew chapters 5-10. I'll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?
Matthew 5:1-12 Notice the change from the third person "blessed are the XXXXX" to the second person "blessed are you."
Matthew 5:13-16 Consider the properties of salt and light. What might Jesus be suggesting our lives show as natural characteristics?
Matthew 5:17-20 See how Jesus is setting himself up as the one who fulfills God's Law. Yet he presses his hearers to be as perfect as he is.
Matthew 5:21-6:4 Some people say this is a reiteration of the Ten Commandments. Is it? What could Jesus' purpose be in discussing these particular issues as he does?
Matthew 6:5-15 In some traditions the Lord's Prayer is prayed quite regularly because it is the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray. In other traditions, the introduction which says not to pile up meaningless words in prayer is cited and the Lord's Prayer is used as the framework of a good way to pray but it is not prayed in the words Jesus gave. Which point of view would you defend? How and why?
Matthew 6:16-34 Jesus reminds us again and again that our lives are a matter of trust in him, not in ourselves.
Matthew 7:1-29 Jesus talks about judging but even as he tells us not to judge he shows us how to judge rightly. What does he mean by judging? Who is the ultimate and righteous judge?
Matthew 8:1-17 Jesus shows his mercy and power and praises those who trust that he is able to help them. He shows himself as the one who is a healer in accord with the prophecy.
Matthew 8:18-34 Jesus shows himself to be the one who moves his followers from a point of unbelief to belief, from one type of life to another.
Matthew 9:1-38 Jesus shows himself to be the one who changes lives in ways that no normal teacher can change them. He exercises power over even life and death.
Matthew 10:1-42 Jesus selects twelve disciples and empowers them, sending them to work healing and peace where they go. His disciples are his beloved people upon whom he will put his protective hand despite the hardships they will face.
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