Our reading challenge for the day is Matthew chapters 11-15. I'll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?
Matthew 11 - Jesus gives comfort and assurance of his identity to the messengers of John the Baptizer as well as to those who believe in him. At the same time he announces condemnation to those who do not repent and trust in him.
Matthew 12:1-21 - Jesus shows himself to be the Lord who can use the Sabbath for the good of mankind, including providing food and healing. He shows himself to be the gentle healer foretold in Isaiah.
Matthew 12:22-50 - Jesus continues to show his authority by casting out a demon. He is accused of having Satanic influence, but denies it, observing that Satan does not cast out Satan. When asked for a sign of his divine nature he refuses, pointing out that the proper response to him is to trust him and receive what he is doing by faith.
Matthew 13 - Jesus tells a number of parables, some of which he explains. When reading parables, always look for the element which stretches your imagination. For instance, look at the effectiveness of the Word of God in the parable of the sower. Pick a parable or two and consider how Jesus is illustrating his nature and kingdom to those who believe on him. See how those who do not believe on him find his parables senseless.
Matthew 14-15 - Look at Jesus' reputation. He is a matter of discussion to Herod and his court, to the Pharisees and scribes, and to people in general. He engages in parabolic actions - the active equivalent of parables which would be spoken. Notice how he himself provides bread of life for many people. Notice how he passes through the water without harm, bringing life and hope to his disciples who are stranded in the water. See how he consistently calls people to faith in God demonstrated by their actions rather than putting actions first and leaving the possibility of their signifying faith open.
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