Our reading challenge for the day is Acts 6-10. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?
Acts 6 - Are these seven men deacons? They seem to do the work noted for deacons in the Epistles. See that their duty is to serve the needs of the saints and enable the apostles to be devoted to prayer and “ministry of the word.” The service of these seven men has an impact on the Christians which goes far beyond what they are actually doing themselves.
Acts 7 - Stephen, one of the seven from chapter six, acts in many ways like one of the apostles. He teaches boldly about Jesus, even though he is arrested and killed for his testimony. In his testimony notice that Stephen talks about God’s works, not about his own response to God’s mercy.
Acts 8 - Despite opposition the work of the Gospel continues. God is continuing to use those people according to his decree in Acts 1:8. They are his witnesses and he uses them wherever they go.
Acts 9 - Saul the Pharisee is confronted by Jesus. We’ll notice later he makes claims that he received revelation directly from Jesus and that he saw Jesus just as truly as the other apostles. God can take the most evil people and use them for his purposes.
Acts 10 - It was a huge surprise to Peter when Cornelius’ household received the Holy Spirit. Why was this? Because they were not certain you could believe on Jesus without becoming a Jew first. The Holy Spirit dwells in all who believe on Jesus.
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