Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bible Reading Challenge - Week 6 Day 3 Luke 6-10

Our reading challenge for the day is Luke 6-10. I'll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?

Luke 6 - Jesus shows himself to be the Lord of the Sabbath. The following sermon on the level place is very much akin to Matthew's Sermon on the Mount found in chapters 5-7 of that gospel.

Luke 7-8 Jesus shows himself to be the one who saves and heals the outcasts from society. He cares about those who are lowly in society. This is perplexing to most of us, as he is the one who is worthy of all acclaim but does not seek it.

Luke 9-10 Jesus continues healing and showing himself to be the mighty God. His disciples seem to start believing on him in more specific terms, even before the transfiguration. See how his mission is first to send out twelve, then seventy-two. The breadth of his sending of his messengers continues to widen.

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