For the past several years, about this time of year, I've gone through a more serious challenge with migraine headaches than I do in other times of the year. We're not completely sure why. It may have something to do with sleep patterns, allergens, stress levels of this time of year (a tough time for both teachers and pastors), or any number of other issues. The typical pattern is that I'll end up with a very crippling headache every two or three days. Those who suffer from migraines will recognize that the day after a migraine is a difficult day as well, as the experience leaves us feeling very drained and tired. I'm one of those migraine sufferers who essentially loses my short-term memories when a headache hits, so the day after is filled with opportunities to review and remember what I was supposed to know.
The pattern seems to be upon me. One of the tools I have to fight back against these cycles of headaches is sleep, what seems like an excessive amount of sleep. So it's time for me to streamline myself at least for a few days. I'll try to get my Bible reading challenge posts written and posted, as I intend to keep reading the Scripture. However I'm going to forego the pleasure of writing out a detailed summary of academic book chapters I read for a little while.
Readership has been up of late. I'd ask my readers to please pray for me and for the people to whom I minister both in the local church and at school. My desire is to do all that is necessary but also to take the time to recover well. Check back now and then. When you see the chapter reviews of books arriving again you will know that the migraine cycle is broken!
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