Monday, June 25, 2012

Bible Reading Challenge Week 26 Day 1

Our reading challenge for the day is Esther 6-10. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?

Esther 6 - The king, in a sleepless night, learned that Mordecai had saved him from treachery. He summoned Haman, who was planning to kill Mordecai, and had him show honor to Mordecai instead.

Esther 7 - In the second evening of her dinner party, Esther reveals her identity as a Jew and Haman’s as the one who plans to exterminate the Jews. The king goes away briefly and returns to find Haman falling on Esther’s couch begging for mercy. Not only does he think Haman is assaulting Esther, he also finds out Haman’s plan to kill Mordecai. Haman is then killed on the gallows he constructed.

Esther 8 - Because royal decrees such as those against the Jews could not be revoked, a counter-decree is issued, that the Jews may defend themselves on that same day they were to be attacked. The Jews are elevated in society and many join with the Jews.

Esther 9 - On the appointed day people fear the Jews, who end up killing about 75,000 of their enemies throughout the land. Because of God’s deliverance the Jews celebrate a feast and give gifts to this day.

Esther 10 - Mordecai is raised to be second in command because of his faithfulness to the welfare of his people.

God uses us right where we are to make a difference in our society. It may be great or small, but it is important in God’s eyes.

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