Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bible Reading Challenge Week 27 Day 2

Our reading challenge for the day is Job 21-25. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?

Job 21 - Job answers his comforters again. They can mock him, but though sometimes wicked people fall to ruin, sometimes they don’t. Maybe the same is true of righteous people. He seems to start looking at the sin-cursed world here.

Job 22 - Eliphaz answers Job by asking what of value man can bring to God. This is actually a question we would all do well to ask. Yet his answer is still that Job is being judged for his sin.

Job 23 - Job, tired of his accusers, says he wishes he could appeal to God. He has lived a righteous life and thinks the Lord would answer him.

Job 24 - Yet Job questions. It does seem that the wicked prosper and are not called to account. The world does not work the way he would expect. He’d like to understand it.

Job 25 - Bildad now answers, saying that all people are evil. He has no further answer.

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