Our reading challenge for the day is Psalms 1-5. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?
As we read the Psalms I encourage a very careful, meditative reading. Possibly stop to pray the concepts you read about as you are reading. Fill your mind with the praises of God and the sorrow the Psalmist expresses over the pain of this sincursed world. Above all, look to the God of all mercy, revel in his love shown by sending Jesus, God the Son, to bear all our sorrows.
Psalm 1 - The blessed person delights in God’s Law. He bears fruit in his season. What fruit might I see as I delight in God’s Law?
Psalm 2 - Our rejection of God’s will does not in any way remove God from his throne. He has given the world to his Son who will judge rightly.
Psalm 3 - Even when our families turn against us and threaten us we can look to the LORD who saves and blesses his people.
Psalm 4 - The LORD is the one who gives us protection, mercy, joy and peace. We look to the LORD who gives us safety.
Psalm 5 - When we are challenged by evil we look to the LORD who hears us and loves us. He guides us and covers us with his favor.
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