Friday, July 20, 2012

Bible Reading Challenge Week 29 Day 5

Our reading challenge for the day is Psalms 41-45. I’ll hit a few highlights. You make comments too and fill in the gaps. What strikes you as specially significant?

Psalm 41 - God blesses the one who cares for the poor. Who is that? It is Jesus, who has rescued countless people who were impoverished, in bondage to sin, and unable to help themselves. Of course, sometimes Jesus uses us to care for the poor as well.

Psalm 42 - Who is going to deprive us of hope in the Lord? Nobody. Whatever opposition or mocking we endure, we can seek God, our life, the one who sustains us as the fresh water sustains the deer.

Psalm 43 - Do we feel downcast and rejected? Jesus was also mocked, rejected, and cast out. He went through many times of rejection, even bearing the sin of the world as he died on the cross. May God give us grace to hope in God and to trust Jesus, who is the resurrection and the life.

Psalm 44 - It is not by our might.

Psalm 45 - These praises to the king don’t belong to any earthly king. They belong to the Lord. We look to him with all praise and adoration.

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