Friday, February 4, 2011

Blog Revisions

I hope you enjoy the new background and format chosen by my tech-savvy wife, Martha, first mate of the Marmoset. I've shifted a few boxes around on the screen and have added a box in which I'll post lectionary readings and a small segment from Luther's Small Catechism on a weekly basis. Our plan is that when we gather at the Captain's Mess on a daily basis, provided duty doesn't call anyone away, we'll read and review that segment of the Catechism. By doing so, we'll walk through the entire catechism a little more than once a year. Within a few years we should all be prepared by daily practice to have an answer for many of the situations life throws at us.

As I end up with catechumens, both youth and adult, I hope they will look to the catechism and the daily lectionary readings to grow in their faith.

Feel free to share this address with others! Maybe the resources will be useful.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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