Monday, February 14, 2011

Psalm 119.153-160, Job 10.1-22, John 5.1-18 - Lectionary for 2/14/11 - Valentine, Martyr

Today is the day of Valentine, Martyr. Today's readings are Psalm 119.153-160, Job 10.1-22, and John 5.1-18.

Today's readings are appropriate for a day commemorating St. Valentine, the third century physician and martyr, who gave his life for Christ today in the year 270. According to early tradition, the day he was to die, he sent a note of encouragement to his jailer's child, showing the love of God in Christ.

As we look at all our readings we see that afflicted people are calling out to God for help. What is the help we receive? Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda. He heals only the one who is calling out to him specifically, at least at that time this is the extent of his actions. Is Jesus able to heal everyone, all at once, with a word or, for that matter, without a word? Certainly he is. But this is not how he has chosen to reveal his love. He reveals his love and mercy by bringing healing and life to those who call upon him. And sometimes that healing and life is not seen until a later time, when we pass from our mortal life into eternity through death.

Has Jesus died for the sins of the world? Yes. His redemption goes as far as the curse of sin, to all who look to him in belief. In some instances we will face suffering and death, as did Valentine, as have countless other people through history. Yeet as we look to Jesus in the hope of the resurrection we know that he is able to raise up even our deadness to life in him.

Let us encourage one another in the hope of the resurrection.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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