Saturday, February 5, 2011

Psalm 31.1-2, 23-24, Job 2.1-3.10, John 1.19-34 - Lectionary for 2/5/11 - Jacob (Israel), Patriarch

Today is the day of Jacob, the Patriarch. Today's readings are Psalm 31.1-2, 23-24, Job 2.1-3, 10, John 1.19-34.

Job confesses that the day he was born was a bad day. He realizes that life in this sinful world is crushing and oppressive. Looking from his perspective, what is a man to do? In fact, there is nothing he can do except turn to God in hope of redemption.

What hope of redemption do we have? Look no farther than our Gospel reading for today. We see, as John sees, the Lamb of God, the one who has been called to come and die as a sacrifice for our sins, to put an end to the suffering of this sinful world. Jesus, the one on whom the Holy Spirit descends and remains, is the true Son of God, come to rescue people like Job, people like us, from the dominion of darkness.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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