Monday, August 23, 2010

1 Kings 3.1-15, 2 Corinthians 1.1-22 - Lectionary for 8/23/10

Today's readings are 1 Kings 3.1-15 and 2 Corinthians 1.1-22.

In 1 Kings 3 we see yet another example of God giving a king that gift which the king didn't request. We saw it earlier when David said he would like to build a temple for God and instead God built a royal house for David. Now Solomon asks for wisdom and God promises him riches and honor also.

This is a pattern that plays throughout the whole Bible. We can arrogantly demand what we want when we want it to bring ourselves honor and glory. We can cling to riches claiming that they are ours by right. Remember Nabal? On the other hand, we can plead for mercy before the Lord, we can humble ourselves and put down our own desires. We can ask that the Lord will do his will and that he will bring his reign on this earth as it is in heaven. We can see what the Lord wishes to do rather than telling him what we want him to do.

Do we look to the Lord in expectation that he will do according to his good pleasure? Or do we look to the Lord wanting him to do our good pleasure? May the Lord grant it to be the former, not the latter.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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