Sunday, August 1, 2010

1 Samuel 17.1-19, Acts 26.1-23 - Lectionary for 8/1/10

Today's readings are 1 Samuel 17.1-19 and Acts 26.1-23.

Today we read about a truly terrifying figure - Goliath.  This monster of a man was enough to make anyone nervous.  Towering over the enemies, saying that he would fight with any of Israel's champions and if he won than all Israel would be enslaved, he presented a very formidable figure.

There are people and things in all of our lives that we fear to face.  They scream against God's people.  They tower over us.  They have us out-gunned.  They hold authority we cannot combat.  They are just plain scary.

In the midst of this war with the Philistines, observe that Jesse's life on his farm was continuing much as it always had.  God was giving him sunshine and rain.  The Lord was blessing his crops and his livestock.  He was able to send provisions to his sons, as well as gifts for the people who were leading his sons.  

As we look at our world and its terrors, let us also look at our Lord and his provision.  He has provided us with what we need.  He goes on showing mercy and grace no matter what kind of people are trying to scare us.  Our Lord is greater than Goliath and all the Philistines together.  Our Lord is able to give us our daily bread.  He is even able to forgive us our sins.  He is able to bring all things to pass according to his infinite riches in glory through Christ Jesus.  Let us look to God, our Rock.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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