Friday, August 20, 2010

2 Samuel 12.1-25, 1 Corinthians 12.1-13 - Lectionary for 8/20/10

Today's readings are 2 Samuel 12.1-25 and 1 Corinthians 12.1-13.

In 2 Samuel 12 we have Nathan's famous confrontation with David. He comes to David with the story of a rich man who took a poor man's beloved pet lamb to feed a guest. When David is indignant, Nathan points out that David is the rich man who took a poor man's wife, then followed it up by taking the poor man's life. David is moved to repentance. Of course, all the repentance in the world will not reverse David's actions. Repentance is not a deed-eraser. It does nothing to reverse the adulterous act. It does nothing to reverse the pregnancy. It does nothing to restore Uriah to life. Yet it does bring forgiveness. Maybe it brings change in future behavior as well. At least we can hope so.

What we see in this passage that is perhaps more hopeful is that God's stated will, his will to make of Israel a great and prosperous nation, his will to bless the house of David, is moving right along. He takes his people, failings and all, and turns their situations to bring him glory.

Does this give me license to sin? Not at all. Why should I presume upon God's blessing? Why should I put myself and others in a situation that brings them trouble? Remember, repentance is not a sin eraser. But at the same time, when I do sin, I can take confidence that my Lord is able to use my hurtful deeds in some way. He is able to bring his blessing even to those who have been hurt. And he is able to accomplish his plan despite my foolishness.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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