Thursday, August 5, 2010

1 Samuel 19.1-24, Acts 28.1-15 - Lectionary for 8/5/10

Today's readings are 1 Samuel 19.1-24 and Acts 28.1-15.

In yesterday's reading we saw that David, God's anointed king, was placed in dangerous situations but was protected by the Lord.  We may be tempted to go into similar dangers without much caution.  After all, our Lord has promised to be with us always.  We who are partakers of the resurrection may well consider ourselves ultimately invulnerably, and rightly so. But there is a time and a place to exercise caution.  See the way David fled from danger and accepted information from loved ones who warned him of dangers he didn't see.  We likewise can watch for signs of danger and accept wise counsel.  If a large part of our purpose in this life is to love and serve our neighbors, we must realize we will do this most effectively if we are living, healthy, and even prosperous.  We can do more to relieve sickness, hunger, and danger for others if we have the resources to nurture people rather than depending on them.

Do we confess that the Lord will supply our need?  We do.  Do we pray that the Lord will give us our daily bread?  We do.  Do we know that the Lord knows our need and the needs of others before anyone even asks?  We do know that.  Then let us walk in that confidence, knowing the Lord will care for us and use us to care for others around us.  This way we get the opportunity to see that we are being used by the Almighty as he reaches out through us to draw this world to himself, to provide for our neighbors.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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