Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lutheranism 101 . . .

is a new book published by Concordia Publishing House. It's been highly recommended to me, so I decided to get a copy for my Kindle. Several people have expressed an interest in looking at some of the distinctives of the Lutheran faith recently. I looked over it very briefly and think it might bear some fruit, at least provoking some good discussion. Anyone interested in participating in a discussion about it? Maybe someone who is technologically inclined can tell me how people do that online these days. I knew how we did it about ten years ago, but suspect it's different now.

One caveat - I'll not be able to do much with this instantly. But by the time people have had time to notice this post and comment on it showing interest or non-interest and maybe a good way of carrying on a discussion, we should be moved and I ought to be ready to spend some time with you all discussing this book.

So comment away!

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