Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Psalm 71.1-8, 1 Samuel 17.20-47, Acts 26.24-27.8 - Lectionary for 8/2/11

Today's readings are Psalm 71.1-8, 1 Samuel 17.20-47, and Acts 26.24-27.8.

"You are out of your mind: your great learning is driving you out of your mind" (Acts 26.24b, ESV). So Festus rebukes Paul, who is testifying to Christ. Do Christians today receive the same rebuke? Often we are accused of ignorance and a lack of learning. Yet it is not ignorance to live in the hope of the resurrection. Rather, it is those who deny the resurrection, who scoff at the non-material world, who deny the miraculous nature of God, who have limited themselves, and who have an inadequate view of this world.

As David shed the garments of mortal, human protection, trusting in the God who is truly supernatural, may we also shed the limitations of this world, trusting in the true God who works all things according to his good pleasure.

Will we be accepted? Not by all, but we have confidence that we bear witness to the true Lord, the God of life, the Lord of the resurrection. May our learning drive us out of our mind and into the mind of God.

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