Monday, May 13, 2013

Sermon for 5/13/13 John 17:20-26

Sermon “One in the Love of Christ” John 17:20-26

Here’s how my life in social computing works. My daughter sends me a message. “Where’s Mom?” Then she sends her mom twenty messages, asking her questions. Mom is the one who seems to hold our household together, to bring sanity and organization to our lives.

It gets more complicated when we bring in another member of our family, the grandchild in another state.

Where’s Mom? Off with the grandbaby. EEEEK!

But after a little while we discover our equilibrium, often before she returns home.

What happens here, after the ascension, with the disciples?

Jesus is gone!
We thought he was gone when he died, but he rose again from the dead.
But now he’s gone! He appeared to us and then he left.
What do we do with this?
Where is our hope?
Where is the one we can trust?
How are we going to continue?

What did Jesus pray for his people?
For those who believe through their witness?
What did he pray for us?

Acts 1 – unity, prayer, recovering equilibrium
result? - the world may believe
Acts 2 – where we go next week at Pentecost
God the Holy Spirit poured out upon us
Ready to be mobilized as the people of God?
assurance - Jesus has given us the glory of God.
What more do we need?
How are we the expression of God's glory? - FORGIVENESS

This weekend our world celebrates Mother’s Day. And often in families it is the Mom who pulls everything together, who gives us stability, equilibrium. It’s a noble occupation.

But even more noble, let us look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our salvation, the one in whom all things hold together, the one who has gone to the right hand of the Father, the one who will send the Holy Spirit. In just a week we celebrate the day of Pentecost, the birth of the Church. We know the Holy Spirit empowers us to be witnesses, to be one as the Son and Father are one, to bring that Gospel witness and the assurance of Jesus’ love to our world.

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