Friday, September 3, 2010

1 Kings 19.1-21, Ephesians 3.1-21 - Lectionary for 9/3/10

Today's readings are 1 Kings 19.1-21 and Ephesians 3.1-21.

Much is often made of our reading in 1 Kings today. I have heard innumerable sermons and read innumerable devotional comments about the voice of the Lord being in the still, small voice for which we must all listen.

Let me take a different tack. God spoke ever so clearly to Elijah. He showed him again and again of his provision for him. He showed Elijah time and again how his life was guarded by God, not by man, and especially not by Ahab or Jezebel. The word of God was very clear to Elijah. It was no less clear when he was fleeing from Jezebel, hiding in a cave, and wondering why he was the only one of God's people left. God's word was clear to him, unmistakable.

What did our Lord tell Elijah when Elijah was discouraged? He reminded him of his providence and that Elijah had work to do. He reminded him that evil kings come and go but God remains forever. He reminded him that there are many believers in the land. He reminded him that prophets come and go but that God always raises up additional prophets to bring the truth to their society. And God did all this very plainly.

In these last days, God has revealed himself in the person of Jesus Christ, as we read in the first few chapters of Hebrews. He has shown himself very clearly. There is no mistaking God's providence, his mighty hand, or his call to all people to repent and believe. Like Elijah, maybe we feel tired and isolated. God has a message for us. Get up and remember the God you serve, going and living before him, loving and serving your neighbors with the forgiveness the Lord has given you. Is this message a bit heavy on law, telling us what we are to do? Maybe so. But let us look at the forgiveness the Lord has given us. What a gift. This is what gives us strength and life. This is the water of life our neighbor needs. May we delight in bringing the gift of God, which has been so clearly revealed to us.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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