Friday, September 10, 2010

2 Kings 9.1-13, 10.18-29, Philippians 2.12-30 - Lectionary for 9/10/10

Today's readings are 2 Kings 9.1-13, 10.18-29, and Philippians 2.12-30.

In our Old Testament reading today we have the brief narrative of Jehu, king of Israel, who overthrew Ahab. As with many of the kings we see that he did some good. In some ways he was obedient to God's call.  Yet, like so many others, he continued the practice of sacrifices at the high places, specifically bringing worship of God to places and through means other than what the Lord had commanded.

In our efforts to do good, let us always remember that our Lord has promised to be present for his people, for their salvation and nurture, in specific ways through specific means. We may do all sorts of good things but we do not function as Christ's Church when we act contrary to God's revealed will. For instance, feeding homeless people or raking leaves for little old ladies in town, though they are good things, are not the proclamation of the Gospel. Talking about the Gospel is not the same as proclaiming the life-giving words of forgiveness that Jesus Christ has given through his death on our behalf. Visiting people in prison or in the hospital is a good thing. Our Lord has commanded it. But he has never promised that he will use those things for forgiveness.

Lord, commit us once again to serving you in Word and Sacraments, bringing your promised presence and forgiveness of sins.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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