Monday, March 31, 2014

Kilcrease, 2013. Chapter 9, “The Mystery of the Person of Christ, Part 5”

Chapter 9, “The Mystery of the Person of Christ, Part 5”

The Communication of Attribues: The Genus Majestaticum and Its Defense

The genus majestaticum is the most controversial aspect of the communication of attributes. Kilcrease largely follows Chemnitz’ description of the doctrine in this chapter. The genus majestaticum is that view which syas Christ, considered in the abstract, has received the fullness of divine attributes by communication. This does not imply a change of humanity into divinity. It oes indicate a communication of divinity into humanity. Neither is this a mixture, but a communication. Chemnitz describes this communication in terms of fire in contact with metal. Eventually the metal takes on the heat and even the glowing color of the fire. It does not become fire, but remains metal even with the character of the fire imparted to it.

Calvin and his followers have tended to reject the genus majestaticum. The classic argument assumes that Lutherans think the human nature is communicated to the divine. This is not so. Only the divine is communicated to the human. It is a sign of God’s giving of himself to reeem fallen humanity.

Kilcrease discusses the Reformed objections to the doctrine at some length. he points out especially that the complaint finitum non capax infiniti is answered by God’s sovereign ability to dwell where he wishes. This is the grace of God at work.

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