Monday, February 7, 2011

Psalm 4, Job 4.1-21, John 2.1-12 - Lectionary for 2/7/11

Today's readings are Psalm 4, Job 4.1-21, and John 2.1-12.

We wonder when God's deliverance will come. In our pain and suffering we look to God, but often we don't look in trust. We look in expectation, but our expectation is that he might not care for us according to our ideas of his love. What kind of struggles do we have? We know God is able to care for all our needs. But do we think he actually will?

Jesus' mother here gives an example of the faith that we ought to have. Is there anything that is too trivial to bring before our Lord? Is there anything that is too difficult for him to take care of? Is there anything which should give us reason to doubt the sufficiency of Jesus' death and resurrection on our behalf? No, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Nothing. Let us look to him in trust then, not doubting. All he has promised he can and will do on our behalf. We need only trust.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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