Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sermon for 11/23/11 "All Things"

Sermon "All Things" May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord my rock and my redeemer (Ps. 19.14). Amen. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! God will provide all your needs! What kind of confession of faith do we have? This celebrates God’s power, his providence, his care for us in every situation. Do we realize what Jesus has given us? I wonder. The same God who brought a whole nation through a desert and sustained millions of people for some forty years is able to care for you. The same God who healed the lepers is able to heal you, body and soul. The same God who provides food for the wild animals is able to provide you and me with food. There should be no doubt. Our hearts do not need to be fearful, for our God is with us. He has made us to do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. He is the God who will supply all our need. There’s no need for doubt, no need for fear. How has God blessed you this year? We gather on this eve of a national day of thanksgiving. We look to the Lord who has provided all our needs. And so I’m going to run a risk here. I’m going to turn a little bit of the sermon over to the congregation. What blessings has the Lord poured out on you? I get to start. He has granted us forgiveness, life, and salvation through faith in Jesus. He has brought my family safely to this place. He has restored the health of my daughter. He has allowed me the privilege of proclaiming his mercy to his people day after day and week after week. He has given us our daily bread and more than we need. Now it’s your turn. How has God blessed you? Keep it short and sweet.

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