Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Psalm 26.1-7, Genesis 44.1-18, 32-34, Mark 12.28-44 - Lectionary for 4/6/11

Today is the day of Lucas Cranach and Albrechet Durer, artists.
Today's readings are Psalm 26.1-7, Genesis 44.1-18, 32-34, and Mark 12.28-44.

How do we walk with integrity? The Psalmist calls upon God to vindicate him because of his integrity. Look at our readings today from Genesis, where Joseph guards his brothers. It doesn't seem to me that he has a whole lot of integrity working here. Then again, he may be giving his brothers an illustration of what their lack of integrity accomplished. Of course, he may be acting in a vindictive manner. We're all pretty good at that too.  What about from the Gospel reading? How do we show integrity? We love God, we love our neighbor, we accept Jesus' words about who he is, and we do what we do out of a desire for the truth rather than a desire for acclamation. May the Lord direct our paths and make us to walk with integrity. And may we rejoice, knowing that our reward is in heaven, not on earth.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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