Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Psalm 89.20-27, Exodus 10.21-11.10, Hebrews 4.1-16 - Lectionary for 4/20/11, day of Johannes Bugenhagen, Pastor

Today is the commemoration of Johannes Bugenhagen, who served as the pastor of the Wittenberg church during the lifetime of Martin Luther.

Today's readings are Psalm 89.20-27, Exodus 10.21-11.10, and Hebrews 4.1-16.

What confidence can we have in Jesus? At the end of our passage in Hebrews today we find that Jesus understands our weaknesses and our temptations. He himself has endured all of them, only without sin. Not only that, but he is our high priest, the one who makes intercession on our behalf, praying to God, then turns and delivers God's forgiveness to us. What do we do when we are in trouble, when we have sinned and need God's mercy? We turn to him, approaching him, not in fear, but in confidence. Look to the love and mercy of God through Jesus Christ, the great high priest.

Dave Spotts
blogging at

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