Chapter 9 “Nature, Also, Mourns for a Lost Good” pp. 76-86
Psalm 19:2-5, Romans 8:19-22, Revelation 21:1; 22:1-2
Who are the redeemed? Jesus is the redeemer of the world. Psalm: All nature speaks, and it has a message, though unheard by most humans. They sing the glory of God the creator.
As science has subjugated nature we have forgotten how to listen to it, including its beauty, power, greatness, and underlying character.
Romans: Creation is tragic. It is created and being destroyed. It is right to have sympathy with the tragedy of nature. All nature is subject to the curse of God. By man’s violation of God’s law all nature is fallen.
Revelation: Revelation shows a redemption of both man and the rest of nature. This is not a future view, but a symbol of the current effect of salvation in this world. Tillich allegorizes all the redemptive language of restoration passages.
As a conclusion, Tillich says we need to view nature as a part of a sacrament, as the saving power of natural and spiritual things join together. This brings hope of salvation.
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