Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Psalm 41.1-2, 7-13, Job 41.1-20, 31-34, John 13.1-20 - Lectionary for 3/8/11

Today's readings are Psalm 41.1-2, 7-13, Job 41.1-20, and John 13.1-20.

Do we wonder whether the God of power and might cares for us? Like the Psalmist, do we cry out in fear, trusting in God to save us but still wondering if he really will? Are we confronted by God's incredible power when we read in Job about the way God plays with the great sea monster the way I would play with a little kitten? Then let us look at our reading from John today, where we see that our Lord Jesus Christ, even though he knows he is going to be betrayed, rises from the dinner table to wash the feet of all his disciples, even the one who would betray him. He loves his people, and loves them to the end - his own end.

Lord, give us a trust in you that is as great as your love for us.

Dave Spotts
blogging at http://capnsaltyslongvoyage.blogspot.com

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